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Writer's pictureMandy Woodhouse

The Unstoppable Kingdom Family

Updated: May 12, 2022

My heart wants to explode with joy when I think of Kingdom Family. The Father has been speaking to me about the importance of FAMILY in the next few years. I believe that it will be an unstoppable force upon the Earth that brings with it freedom, resurrection power, and a wrecking ball breaker anointing! The sense of belonging and “being seen,” and the depth of love that the body has for one another, will draw men to the true Jesus as the counterfeit spirits of the world tremble at the glorious beauty of true, pure love outworked through the family of God.

When I speak of Kingdom Family, I am not referring to the same kind of intimacy found in Biblical marriage, nor do I refer to the home/family unity. I am referring specifically to a David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18) kind of friendship that the Lord is bringing about within groups of people across the global Church. It carries with it a depth of vulnerability and love that can only come from friendship with the Father first and complete submission to the One who IS Love Himself (1 John 4:16). It comes with much joy and laughter, many robust conversations, much championing of each other and a sense of being stronger and more powerful together. This is the kind of love that He is awakening in the Body!

Ephesians 5:21 - …submitting to one another in the fear of God.

1 Corinthians 12:25-27 - that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.


Genesis 50:20 - But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

What the enemy sought to bring destruction in the past few years, the Father is using to bring about a greater depth of understanding of His nature, His heart and our need for one another.

The desire for deep, hearts-knit-together friendship was placed within us at creation when man was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and it was restored to us through our faith in the death and resurrection of our beautiful Jesus. God’s heart has always been for intimacy with Him and with each other, and many (including myself) have only scratched the surface. This desire has been unlocked in the past few years as the enemy has tried to sabotage the Church. Heaven’s desire and design for Kingdom Family will not be stopped as the Body chooses to lean in and embrace what the Father is wanting to do in and through it.

Colossians 2:2 - I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself.


Kingdom Family expresses who God is and gives a greater picture of the Trinity at work. When He created Adam and Eve, He was after FAMILY in the purest form. Our beautiful Jesus redeemed and restored us back to this pure form of family, and this kind of Kingdom intimacy actually gives us a greater picture of Jesus Himself as we learn to see one another through the blood of Jesus.

The idea of Kingdom Family therefore ties us to the heart of the Father. Kingdom Family brings security and hope, and anchors us to His heartbeat. I am drawn to the friends who cut a hole in the roof to lower their friend to Jesus (Luke 5:17-39). Kingdom Family always makes a way for each other to encounter Jesus!

Together, this kind of bond causes others to grow into maturity, and Heaven begins to flow. As new believers grow, anchored in this kind of family, the Father will begin to use them in ways they have never imagined, and they will multiply in number and in love. This kind of environment is found in the book of Acts, when the Holy Spirit is pouring out during Pentecost. The spiritual outpouring here is birthed in Kingdom Family.

The Lord showed me through this passage that revival is birthed not only in prayer, but in Kingdom Family.

Acts 2:40-46 - And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Also, in line with what many other prophets have called out in the past few years, this is a season for the fathers and mothers of the faith to arise! Kingdom Families need fathers and mothers. Those who carry this spirit will find themselves drawn to specific people, groups and relationships in this next year. These are the spiritual children assigned to them, and they will carry great influence in these families.


Kingdom Family gives a place of belonging. Kingdom Family will offer a shield of protection around people’s minds and hearts regarding identity, Biblical sexuality and even spirits such as fear and despair. The love, safety and vulnerability found within Kingdom Family ERADICATES THE LIES OF THE ACCUSER that have been spoken over a person. Hebrews 3:13 speaks of the deceitfulness of sin, and Kingdom Family exposes this deceitfulness without shame, and enables one another to live free from sin and walk into the true identity given to us in Christ.

As we begin to properly outdo one another in honor (Romans 12:10), our hearts will begin to expand as we see each other the way that God sees us, and we are better equipped to love in a great purity that carries a breaker anointing which will smash every lie and attempt of the enemy to steal or sabotage the identities of our brothers and sisters in Christ. There is safety in feeling like we are “seen” by brothers and sisters who we know have laid down their own agendas to love us as they would have others love themselves (Matthew 7:12).

When Kingdom Family is at work, it confronts, and even discredits, every extreme worldly and political agenda. Ungodly spirits that try to attach to brothers and sisters are exposed and conquered by the safety, purity and love found in Kingdom Family applied.

Counterfeit ideologies and agendas will not be able to stand in the presence of Kingdom Family. This family will bring about a revolt against principalities and rulers of darkness who deceive and twist identity. As “on Earth as it is in Heaven” becomes the main agenda, the Bride will rise in purity and a new understanding of power that tramples every argument that has tried to set itself up against the knowledge of God and who He has made her to be. She will be UNSTOPPABLE.


Kingdom Family will become one of the most powerful forces on the earth. We will see hearts knit together with the power of resurrection life flowing through one another and into each other and therefore into the communities around us. Communities and economics within communities will flourish. Societal Mountains will be taken because of the support of family.


While praying into this, I saw a picture of shields that were locked together, side-by-side around mountains of society. On top of each mountain stood a person who was obviously called to take that particular mountain. Each of the shields represented Kingdom Family members who were standing as warriors and watchmen over each mountain. They themselves were not called to take that particular mountain, yet they stood in prayer and protection simply because someone that they loved was called there. The scene then changed, and the person who was standing on one mountain was then at the base of someone else’s mountain, ready to help the other person take their own mountain as well.

The Lord asked me to imagine just how many mountains Christians could be taking if they had a strong Kingdom Family around them that would be willing to go to these lengths on their behalf.

I also saw during this same time of prayer that vacation spots, hotels, Air BNB, resorts, national parks are all places that will thrive because of the resurrection of FAMILY vacations, both within the family unit as well as Kingdom Family groups.


John 13:35 - Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

We must not confuse kindness or even words of affirmation toward one another for the kind of LOVE this scripture speaks of. The Greek word for love in John 13:35 is agape. The Strong’s Concordance G0026 references benevolence, affectionate love and even calls this kind of love a “feast” of love. This points to a depth of love that is supernatural and more than we can understand without help from the Holy Spirit AND in experience with one another. What this looks like is feasting together in intimacy, in joy and with depths of open-heartedness. It looks like dreaming God dreams together, and stirring one another on to think and dream more impossible dreams. It looks like praying together. It looks like a supernatural bond with one another that serves and honours one another in ways that the world will recognize is “other worldly.”


In a prayer meeting a few months back, I saw heavy, dark rainclouds over the global Church, ready to burst. They sat over the Church for what felt like ages, but they just WOULD NOT BURST. In the vision we could all feel the barometric weight, we could smell the rain, we could see the effects of the wind - but there was no storm, no release. The Church prayed, repented, and the cloud grew darker as the pressure became almost unbearable, but there was barely a droplet.

When I came out of the vision I immediately researched "what holds rain back." Rain is most often held back by stunted growth in the water droplets within the cloud. The water droplets must condense ONTO ONE ANOTHER in order to grow heavy enough to burst the cloud and fall. As the water droplets BOND, they become weighty enough to produce a rain.

I felt the Lord say, we need UNITY and BONDING before the rains of revival can FULLY drench us. We need Kingdom Family in action where there is stunted growth.

I find it encouraging that He is currently moving, realigning, and drawing into position Mothers, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters who have a heart for Jesus and for unity.

We must call forth KINGDOM FAMILY. We must lean into this kind of family. We must build and pray into and support and engage Kingdom Family. It’s time for Kingdom Family to assemble and step forcefully into the enemy’s camp to reclaim for the Church all that is rightfully hers. We can do this in Family because we are strengthened by each other and His love flowing through us as a unit. Unity commands blessing (Psalm 133:1), so just imagine the blessings and outpouring that will flow from a Kingdom Family whose hearts are knit in the bond of peace.

Romans 12:10 (TPT) - Be devoted to tenderly loving your fellow believers as members of one family. Try to outdo yourselves in respect and honor of one another.

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I call forth the fathers and mothers, the brothers and sisters, to be bold and courageous in their pursuit of Kingdom Family! I ask for supernatural wisdom and strength to build, to outdo one another in love and honour, and the burning desire to lay their lives down for one another (1 John 3:16) as we learn to truly “see” one another. That the Kingdom would advance like a wrecking ball and that every dark agenda would be trampled beneath the united feet of family, in Jesus Name!

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

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