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Finding Beauty in my Isolation Week

I started having chest pains and heaviness in my chest this week, so I stayed home from my "essential work" all week just in case. I'm feeling a thousand percent better today, but was so grateful for a wonderful week of rest, relaxation and recharging.

This weekend, Carston and I went hiking and swimming at Twin Falls at Springbrook, QLD. There are heaps of details to the day that I won't mention here - but it was a MUCH NEEDED day of rest, fun, and heart-happiness. I was reminded on many levels why I have always loved Australia so much, and why Aussies are some of my favourite people on the planet.

Church online has been amazing, and being 1/2 "introvert" and 1/2 "extravert" I am both loving and not liking our quarantine restrictions. One thing I DO love is taking communion over Zoom with some loved ones. What a powerful night after Church on Sunday! I love my Church community so very much.

Tuesday I had a full-blown encounter with the Lord out in the bush at a place called "Ridge View picnic area" at Mt. Coot-tha here in Brisbane. I took my Bible and journal (as you can see), grabbed a coffee at the Mountain top lookout cafe, and I found a quiet spot to read and pray. The Presence of God overwhelmed me that morning, and I had about 5 butterflies land on me at once! God spoke to my heart so clearly. I plan on having these encounters DAILY, as much as possible.

Finally, one of the highlights of the week for me has been my husband, Carston, cooking Cajun "Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya" for the amazing Aussie family that we live with. I got to pull out my Tony's and introduce them to food from MY home. Carston outdid himself with that was UNREAL!!!!

The absolute most amazing highlight of my week has been the ANTICIPATION of Resurrection Sunday in a few days. I have never in my 40+ years of life anticipated "Easter" as much as this year. I firmly believe that there is something so holy, so glorious, so magnificent about this year.... I cannot articulate what is in my Spirit, but I KNOW that there is something significant about Easter 2020. I do believe that it is significant for me personally, but also for the Body of Christ as a whole. Are you as expectant as me? I'd love to know, so feel free to reach out and let me know your thoughts :-)

Praying for your weekend and the coming weeks.....thank you for reading this. Thank you for supporting what God is doing upon the Earth. Thank you for being a history maker. Thank you for being YOU.

Much Love,

Mandy xoxo

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Apr 10, 2020

Thanks for sharing! I love God’s great outdoors too!

After this pandemic and I am fully well I want to return to my mission in El Salvador. I am 888, but God has given me a vision to start His Dream Ranch. A pastor here in Indiana says God told him that I would see it! Apastor in E.S. prophesied that I was praying for revival and I will see it! I know I will! He is so good isn’t He?

May God continue to bless you as you share how He is moving in your life!

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