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Mandy Woodhouse

A Piece of God's Heart for 2020


While praying into 2020 a few months ago, I felt the Lord say that 2020 will be the RISE of the “Everyday Prophets.” These are a company of people who have sought the Presence of God OVER platform. They are a people who are submitted to a covering and part of healthy community. They are mothers and fathers, bankers, teachers, doctors, dentists, electricians, mechanics, cooks – EVERYDAY PEOPLE - and they are passionately pursuing Jesus. These Everyday Prophets know how to prophesy from their seat in Heavenly Places (Ephesians 2:6) and it is their great JOY to intercede and then prophesy from a place of identity and authority in Christ.

I saw Job 22:26-28 over this company in the coming year:

For then you will delight in the Almighty And lift up your face to God. You will pray to Him, and He will hear you; And you will pay your vows. You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.” I sensed that as each prophet individually delighted in God just for Who He is, and then interceded as His heart led them, that anything they decreed would be established. I felt Him long to shine upon these prophets as they grew in intimacy with Him.

Holy Spirit also showed me that the love that this company of people have for one another will smash through any spirit of comparison that tries to come against them. I saw Romans 12:10 begin to take root in their hearts and transform the way that they do life: “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” These prophets have one another’s backs, know who they are and passionately pursue covenant friendships. They are a force to be reckoned with.

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).


1 Peter 4:7-8: “The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

I believe that the end of 2019 has been a time of consecration for much of the Body of Christ. As the prophets continue to disregard the things that have wrongly defined them and begin to partner with their true destinies and run in their own lanes, they will operate in new frequencies of Heaven that are greater than they ever imagined. I saw too that as people begin to subtract things from their everyday life which has kept them from the fullness of hearing His heartbeat, their prophetic intercession will go to new heights.

I also see that as the prophets continue to remain finely attuned to the Heartbeat of Heaven, they will grow in love for one another and for the nations that God has called them to speak into.

Many will find that the Lord has had nations waiting for them to pray into for years, but they were too clouded and distracted to be able to see or hear. God is clearing the air so that His prophets can hear, see, sense, smell, taste and be a part of what He is doing upon the Earth. He is calling His people to be fully THEMSELVES to hear His plans and take part. He longs for all to be included in the adventure in 2020 and the next decade.


For months now I have had ringing in my Spirit these two words, “Jesus transforms.” I believe that this is important to what we will see in 2020!

Regardless of what opinions are regarding Kanye West, the fact remains that he has been a catalyst for many in the world to grow curious about God and Christianity. People have started to take notice of Jesus, and this is a GOOD thing. I heard the Lord say that although the past few years have brought for many a very unhealthy deconstruction of the Gospel, 2020 is going to bring a RE-CONSTRUCTION of the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ! There will be a fresh understanding that Jesus transforms our identity and regenerates our actual nature (2 Peter 1:4) and sets us free from sin (Romans 6).

In 2020, as God re-constructs the idea of Who Jesus is, we can sit back and watch as TRANSFORMATION takes place in society as well. The Lord spoke to me about the following specific contexts of transformation:

  • Transformation by Jesus in other celebrities

  • In prisoners who have been given life sentences

  • In politicians and the political arenas in several countries

  • Jesus is going to transform many in the gay and transgender community and this will be a sign and a wonder to all

  • In prodigals who walked away years ago

There will be awe-inspiring, miraculous transformations in each as God begins to “collect testimonies” (to use my husband’s words) from each arena. The world will see what it means to be a “new creation in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:17) who has been utterly TRANSFORMED.


I also saw that 2020 would be a season of Daniels coming out into the open. There is an entire company of emerging Daniels who the Lord has been teaching and preparing for years now, and 2020 is their time to shine. They are defined by their integrity, unprecedented prophetic clarity, accurate dream interpretations and great favor with Kings and leaders. Daniels can hear and interpret clearly because of their stand for truth amidst the politically correct spirit of the age, and they have subtracted things from their "diet" that has caused a supernatural ability to tune into the frequency of Heaven.

Some have been waiting in the “dungeons” for what felt like forever, but in 2020 they will rise and over the next decade they will draw great attention to THE King of Kings.


Finally, I saw that some of the Everyday Prophets will begin to move in the same sort of anointing as Billy Graham.

Billy Graham was a man of intense prayer who used simple language to convey the heart of the Father to the lost. I saw that as these Everyday Prophets engage in intimacy and a deep friendship with God, they will be able to clearly hear the Father’s heartbeat for the world and then translate that to the lost through simple decrees, words of knowledge and the very words of God.

While praying more into this, God gave me a vision of the Prophet Bob Jones sitting at a kitchen table having coffee and conversation with Billy Graham. I saw their simple, vulnerable conversation and the love that they had for one another. I had such a strong sense that in this coming season, the prophets and the evangelists will need each other to see the next great Awakening. God is moving upon both gifts to make them more compatible than ever, and they are a powerful combination that will begin to explode in 2020 and will continue into the following years.

No more misunderstandings, no more competition. The prophet and the evangelist make a way for one another.


I believe that this is the MOST EXCITING time in history to be alive, and I am so EXPECTANT to see what else God does in 2020. May the Name of Jesus be LIFTED HIGH!

Much Love and Blessing,


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