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Writer's pictureMandy Woodhouse

Time for Offensive Territory Takers to Arise

There’s an awful lot of things going on in the world at this point in history. I am fully aware, as I hope you are as well, of most of the massive prayer needs across the globe. I am a prophet and an intercessor, and I believe that prayer is the default position for any child of God, and the primary place (through communion with Him) that prophetic words must flow from. Prayer and intercession are beautiful and much needed.

So, before I share a vision that I recently had (while in prayer, might I add), please note that I hold a firm conviction regarding the necessity of prayer and intercession. I have been studying the book of Daniel and his life, and I take Daniel 9 as a serious blueprint for our current place in history.

May I point out, however, that Daniel lived a life of regular and consistent communion with God. He also boldly grew to have a voice amongst kings, and he and his friends never hid or refused to shrink back or refused to push into the pressures around them. And yet God always protected them. This is something to audit in our own lives – and trust me when I say, I have searched my own motives countless times over the past few months.

That I would never shrink back, hide in fear or disassociate from the reality of my responsibility to bring Heaven to Earth in more ways than just a powerful revival service. And that I would never allow my prayer to be an excuse for the fear that wants to hold me back from making a difference.

This brings me to the vision I had in prayer a few days ago. I hope it speaks to you the way that it spoke to me.


VISION – 3rd October, 2024

In a vision during prayer, I found myself hovering above the Earth looking down at what appeared to be THE Church, globally. This remnant was represented by a large group of people kneeling in prayer – all ages, demographics and denominations. Each on their knees, fervently praying for protection, healing, their own nations, etc. They made a large, round circle, and each had a very large shield in front of them. These shields are like the Hebrew shields mentioned in the Psalms; very heavy and about the size of a door. Each shield was locked into place with the shield next to it, forming a bubble of protection around the praying Church. It was a magnificent sight to behold!

Suddenly I noticed that the war raging around the Church was getting more intense and more life threatening. As bullets flew, bombs went off and arrows went flying, I saw that there were many deaths by this war. From my position above it all, I could see that these deaths were “meant-to-be-Christians” who were being killed before their time. I also saw good “Church folks” who were not part of the remnant – but who were meant to be a part of this praying remnant – get taken out. The Earth as we knew it was changing and morphing, but the praying remnant remained safe in their defensive positions.

I could actually see gaps in the fighting where territory could definitely have been taken. I could see walls that could have had heralds stand upon them. I could see places where the enemy was weak, and the Church could have easily had a victory. But the Church could not see it because they were focused on kneeling behind their shields in prayer for the war to stop and Jesus to return.

Suddenly, without any warning, I saw a young man break rank from the prayer circle. He carefully moved the heavy shield to a place where the Church still remained protected, but he grabbed a buckler and a sword and began to inch up beyond the circle into the battle. The buckler was much like the shield seen in the Captain America stories. It was big enough to cover and protect his upper body, but small and light enough to be mobile.

I saw this young man, without even flinching, march boldly INTO THE WAR, and away from the prayer circle. He was gripping the buckler until his knuckles turned white, but he still marched on. Within a moment or two, more and more of the praying remnant followed this young man and did the exact same thing. Putting the shields aside to keep the remaining Church protected, they grabbed their mobile bucklers and went straight into “No Man’s Land” where I had seen breaches in the enemy’s camp, territory to take and walls to stand upon. Yes, there were casualties, but I felt the Lord’s pleasure over every bit of ground gained and every life taken (Psalm 116:15).

Soon, I heard a joyful shout of triumph from those who were on the offense pushing into this battle, and I saw white horses ride onto the scene. They were in the Spirit, almost like apparitions. As I looked closely, the white horses carried warring angels who seemed to come to be a shield to those on the war field!

I felt the discomfort, fear, guilt and scoffing from some of those who remained on the defense, as they could not understand the actions of those on the offense. They made excuses amongst themselves, and yet I could sense that many of them actually longed to be on the battle field with the others, while many of them honestly could not understand what need there was to do anything other than pray.



Here are the takeaways the Lord has given me after this vision. I am still processing it, and God is always wanting to say MORE. But for now, I believe these are insights that can help.

1.     Prayer and intercession are the default position of a child of God. But now, more than ever, is a time to pray first and then MOVE into the pressure, into the war. It’s time to fight back, to take territory, and to not shrink back in fear. I heard the Lord say to me years ago, “Fear masquerades as wisdom.”

2.     When we push into the battle, we do it with great joy and triumph! The Hebrew word for joy is the same word as triumph in Psalm 47:1. This, joy, is a language that the enemy cannot understand and it is intertwined in our triumph.

3.     God promises in Psalm 47:9 that the shields of the Earth belong to Him. Whether warring angels or something in the natural, God is our shield on that battle field!

4.     There are a number of scriptures regarding our taking territory and reigning with Him on this Earth:

·       Psalm 115:16 states that the Earth was given to the children of man.

·       2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are ambassadors for Christ on this Earth.

·       Revelation 5:10 calls us kings and priests, to rule and reign on the Earth.

·       Ephesians 2:6 states we are seated with Him in Heavenly places.

·       Matthew 11:12 says that the kingdom of Heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.


Regardless of your eschatology, I believe that God is asking His children TODAY to not shrink back. To not sit back and wait for His return, and to not hide behind a counterfeit wisdom. To stop disassociating because of feelings of being overwhelmed or powerless. We must do something.

AGAIN, I REPEAT, PRAYER AND INTERCESSION ARE THE FIRST PLACE WE RUN TO. But in those places, we must be willing to allow God to audit our hearts, our motives and our fears. We have to realign ourselves and be ready to GO if He says go, to stay until He says to go, and to be ready to ensure that the generations after us don’t have to go through the same cycles of fear, trepidation, twisted identity, murder, censorship and bondage that we are currently experiencing. It is our responsibility.


Revelation 12:11 – And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

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