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What Do You Crave?


Have you ever read the scientific studies that have been done on human food cravings? For example if you are craving sweets, scientists say your body is really craving some of the minerals found in things like fruit and cheese, not chocolate cake! If you crave carbs, what you really need is foods filled with nitrogen, and craving junk food means you need calcium not french fries.

I have also heard the opposite, that people who are truly, deeply dehydrated often do not crave water - the very thing they need most.

What about your soul and emotions? I've heard Bill Johnson say that nearly every spiritual principle is true in the natural as well. Could this mean that when we don't feel like getting into God's word or prayer, that might be the very thing that our soul needs most? Or when we are desperately needing peace in a situation, feeling anxious, then seeking out the Holy Spirit and connecting with Jesus - the PRINCE OF PEACE - is what our heart screams for?

There was a time recently when I heard some disturbing news before bed about people that I care about. My husband and I stayed up praying late into the night and when I woke up early the next morning, my body was craving more sleep but my spirit was craving time in my Father's Presence.

(I'll be honest y'all, I nearly turned over and tried to get a few more hours sleep, attempting to justify in my head the fact that I just need rest and that I would feel better after the sleep-in.)

By the grace and power of Jesus I was compelled to get up anyway and put some worship music on. And you know what? JESUS MET WITH ME. He washed away my anxiety about the situation. He put peace in my heart regarding those involved who made stupid decisions. He reminded me in that secret place with Him that He gives Beauty for Ashes (Isaiah 61) and that He will redeem and restore every circumstance. He put joy in my heart and then He washed over me with His love and reminded me who I am and how He sees me and what He had for me that day!

He reminded me that He is on my side and that He is in control and has a good plan (Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11).

HE FILLED ME UP then He transformed me. And you know what? He honored my time. I was filled up and had enough time to doing creative projects and keep going with the normal tasks of the day.

What does your soul/spirit/emotions crave today? Are you hungry for peace in your heart? Patience? Do you long to feel affirmed and valued? Are you lonely? Stressed? Sick? What you find in the world is counterfeit. What you find in your busy everyday tasks, (going going going)'s actually counterfeit. Most of the time what we find in other people is also just a shadow of everything that we find (and so much more) in Jesus.

Check your heart today. Jesus' Presence is what we need ❤ Don't settle for counterfeit!

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