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Writer's pictureMandy Woodhouse

What I See in 2023 - From a Prophetic Seer

My Prophet friend asked the question yesterday, "What do you see in 2023?" At first, I wasn't clear on what exactly I "saw." This morning in my prayer time, I began to see in great depth. The following is from my journal and highlights what I am allowed to say that I see in 2023. I hope it blesses you as it did me.

I see in 2023:

I see people anchored to Bible truth like never before. I see people buying truth and NOT SELLING IT (Proverbs 23:23), no matter the cost. People putting a stake in the ground, and not moving from purity. Staying pure in EVERY area of life. I see stakes, lines drawn in the sand, new non-negotiables. I see a people living unadulterated, with no compromise. Just as in Zechariah where the angel comes to measure Jerusalem, I see the Bride's awareness of the measuring and I see the truest parts of her begin to align to Biblical standards again. I see her as a rose bush, pruning herself, allowing fruitless branches to strip off and even the most fruitful be cut back. This is in preparation for what will come in 2024. There are fields and meadows of intimacy, adventure and refreshing in 2023. There are fresh encounters that will transform our sight, and the "dark" valleys full of shadow will lose power. We will learn to live from Psalm 23 as we make our time with Him a daily non-negotiable. There is a rhythm of rest that only comes from being pressed against His chest, feeling His heartbeat (John 13:23). I see children of God choosing to no longer give an open window to fear. These little ones waking up to the supreme authority of King Jesus, and thus smashing every kind of fear that has held them captive in seasons past. There will be hidden ones rising with a holy fire to truly sharpen, encourage and equip the body to stand. Those who don't want or need a platform or "fame," but burning ones who carry in their inner beings the very Word of God. New Prophetic communities will arise with His words, His heart. And they will be unstoppable. I see empires crumble where there is no repentance. And true glory being poured out on those who, in humility, realign to His plans. There will be location changes. I see yet again in 2023 more alignment changes, and I see shoes and armour that actually FITS the Bride. No more wearing Saul's armour (1 Samuel 17). Travel will boom again this year. There will be many wells that were long covered, which will be re-dug, in many nations. The prophets in these nations will share from these wells as they travel, led by the Spirit of God. I see the Spirit of God forming Jonathan and David covenants within the Body. Healthy friendships that are full of promise and depth (1 Samuel 20:23). I see creatives who have been stifled by fatigue and disappointment begin to CREATE again. I see revelation and blueprints and fresh ideas from Heaven being sent. Creatives, be aware! Everything you do is prophetic, and speaks a word in season. Sowing and reaping financially will be highlighted this year. Those who haven't understood this concept in the past will begin to awaken to its power. Extravagantly humble financial givers will be used to build in 2023. Finally, the Church will begin to once again sacrifice everything for their Pearl of Great Price. This will be seen by the world and potentially cause persecution, but the Church will shine like the sun and draw many to Him because of her extravagant displays of love. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV)

But how do we prepare? The criteria for these things in 2023 is to stay in truth. It's in eating the Word (Matthew 4:4) and remaining fully yielded to everything He says. It is in positioning Him as the great Shepherd, and allowing Him to take the lead as He comforts and strengthens (Psalm 23). It is in going hard after truth, no matter the cost, and not letting it go (Proverbs 23:23). It is in allowing the Word to divide you, soul and Spirit and thought (Hebrews 4:12). And finally, it is in allowing the goodness and mercy of God to overtake you when fear threatens your peace (Psalm 23:6). Stay yielded, friends. This is the only way.

I bless you, 2023!

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