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Hold onto Your Forks....

Hi friend.

I need you to hear me today. YOU ARE TAKING GROUND. The Kingdom IN you is advancing, and the Kingdom AROUND YOU is advancing. By faith, you MUST keep going…

I have seen, on repeat as of late, 2 Corinthians 2:11: “…to keep Satan from taking advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” I feel like one of the schemes of the enemy lately is to get people to give up prematurely on what He has put into their hearts.

The devil is a liar and the father of lies, and there is no truth in Him (John 8). His whole goal in his miserable life is to kill, steal and destroy anything that has to do with Jesus (John 10:10). He accuses us day and night (Revelation 12:10), and his lies do nothing but bring death, discouragement and despair. The lies of the accuser often make Christians want to throw in the towel and abort the missions that the Holy Spirit has given.

Please allow me to encourage you to KEEP GOING. Hold on. Don't stop.

Numbers 23:19 states that God is not a man that He should lie, or the Son of man that He would change His mind. GOD NEVER LIES. The Father NEVER CHANGES HIS MIND. The devil will try to make you feel as if God has changed His mind – or as if you potentially heard Him wrong – but the truth is that we must stick to WHAT GOD SAID at the beginning.

What has God said to YOU? What has He promised you? A world pandemic has not caused Him to change His mind. Other people’s senseless decisions have not caused Him to change His promises to YOU. You did not “mess up” enough to make Him change His promises, and even what your bank account may look like at the moment you read this does not influence what He spoke to you about your destiny.

Some in the Body need to be reminded of, and cling to, the original promises that God spoke to them. Others need to push into the process that God has them in at this time. The Body has been shaken awake, and is now going through a burning. Burning can indeed be painful, but there is a weighty glory that comes upon those who do not shrink from the burn! God will absolutely restore and redeem, but something gets stunted or prolonged when we don’t push into the process the Lord has us in at the time.

I also felt the Lord show me that there is a recompense coming to those who had things stolen or delayed during the early part of 2020. The recompense that is coming to you is actually SEVEN TIMES what was taken from you! This kind of recompense is often way sweeter than what was actually stolen from you, because that is the kind of Father we have.

“Excuses might be found for a thief who steals because he is starving. But if he is caught, he must pay back seven times what he stole, even if he has to sell everything in his house.” – Proverbs 6:30-31

When I was a child at our family Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners, I often had to make my way through the “yucky” foods before I could get to my favorite blueberry cobbler. I would hold onto my fork, close my eyes, and stomach the green bean casserole, the yams and the mushy corn because I knew that the sweet dessert was coming.


Hold on....EXPECT!

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Rita Huff
Rita Huff
Sep 30, 2020

Thank you for the reminder to not give up or give in to the lies of the enemy. Thank goodness God is the same yesterday, today & forever..therefore He cannot lie. I had to laugh as I loved all the festive food that was made including the green bean casserole! But, I must admit, I salivated at the pumpkin & mince pie with LOTS of whip cream!!! I look with hopeful expectation to the rest of 2020 & into 2021! Multiplied Blessings, precious Mandy!!


Vanessa Lee
Vanessa Lee
Sep 30, 2020

Wow Mandy! You know what, the first line got me, right from my email inbox. I thought you were writing a personal letter to me for a moment because it is so SPOT on! And you are right indeed, I feel a really huge shift in the spiritual atmosphere recently, and something is burning within, brewing and ready soon to be out in the open. This writing is such a gift for me this morning, i've been totally wrecked from a lack of sleep these 2 days

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