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Writer's pictureMandy Woodhouse

A Piece of God's Heart for 2022

Resurgence of the Goodness of God

During worship in December 2021, the Lord began to drop the word “resurgence” into my Spirit.

“Resurgence” – a rising again into life, activity or prominence (Merriam-Webster)

- the act or fact of rising again or returning; revival (

As I continued to question what He was saying, He made it clear that in 2022 there will be a resurgence of beholding the goodness and faithfulness of God that will break off the spirit of despair that has come against the body in the past few years.

Psalm 27:13 – I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living.

In a vision, I saw a spirit of despair that eclipsed the goodness of God. I then saw that as people began to step into belief that there was truly goodness to see in God beyond the despair that they were currently focused on, that spirit of despair shrank to nothing, and His goodness began to once again shine bright as the sun!

I felt the Lord’s encouragement that we must BELIEVE that there is goodness to be seen. Despite the past few years appearing to be a slow eclipse of the goodness and faithfulness of God, the truth is that GOD IS GOOD. GOD IS FAITHFUL. And as we behold these aspects of His nature we will begin to see clearly again and there will be no room for the spirit of despair. We will be given a garment of praise that smothers any attempt of the spirit of despair to return!

The spirit of Dread is Broken, So We Can Open WIDE Our Mouths

Psalm 81:10 – …Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

While journeying through the Psalms the last few months, I came across Psalm 81 and could not go further until the Lord finished speaking about this particular verse for 2022. “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” I felt that this is an invitation not just for those whose mouths the Lord wants to use publicly for His glory, but for everyone who is born-again and who desires more of Him in every area.

I felt in my Spirit very strongly that events in 2020 and 2021, both globally as well as individually, opened the door to not only a spirit of despair, but also a strong spirit of dread and foreboding in many of the body of Christ. For many, this spirit went beyond the label of “anxiety,” and was one of the heaviest things that people have ever had to navigate through. Of course, God works everything out for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28), and for many, the Father was in these situations with fire and pressing for the purpose of consecration and preparation of the future glory that will come. However, I saw that the enemy took full advantage of what the Lord was doing and sent a strong spirit of dread to torment many.

Rather like the spirit of despair that was sent to eclipse the goodness of God for many, the spirit of dread caused many who are strong in the body of Christ to withdraw, to shrink back, to close their mouths and to have trembling jaws rather than mouths open wide to feast on the goodness of God. Instead of seeing the Father’s goodness in every situation, they became gripped with a tormenting spirit of dread that was external to them, yet seemed to overpower their emotions.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say to those who have wrestled the spirit of dread in 2021, that you CAN open your mouths wide, without dread or anxiety or foreboding, because you CAN trust your God! It is time to be overcome by His goodness once again! And this spirit of dread is DEFEATED!

Psalm 23:6 – Surely goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

The Hebrew meaning of the word “follow” means to chase down with intent, to pursue, to hunt down. The Lord showed me that His goodness and mercy are chasing us down with intent to bless us. It is His goodness and mercy hunting us, NOT a spirit of dread or foreboding. 2022 is an invitation for us to allow ourselves to be overtaken and overcome by goodness and mercy.

Psalm 103:5 – He satisfies our mouths with GOOD things….

Psalm 81:16 - He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat; And with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.

We can open our mouths and hearts wide, without dread, because we know that He will only fill us with goodness. With the finest of wheat, and sweet honey that comes even in the hard places.

I heard the Lord say, when we are firmly built upon the Rock, even when things feel barren and in lack, you can trust His goodness to give you something sweet and fulfilling that comes from the least likely places. This is your testimony and why you can trust Him. Dread no longer has a place because the ROCK has crushed it.

Come What May

With the spirit of dread and despair broken, I saw a new stability come on the Body of Christ. I saw that “come what may,” we won’t be affected by things that would have affected us in 2021 and before because the fire and pressing of the past few years has changed us.

I saw that the fire and the pressing and crushing produced an oil that made us so “oily,” that nothing could stick on us! Oil from the pressing of 2021 will cause the enemy’s attacks to slide off and not “stick” in 2022. I saw in a vision that arrows and bullets were flying at people, but they were just melting in the vicinity of these people, and/or they would slip off like melted butter.

I then felt the Lord say that we can CONFIDENTLY open our mouths WIDE and receive everything the Lord wants us to feast on because we will have no reason to fear or be anxious as the spirit of dread was sliding off of people who had been through the fire and beheld the goodness of God. That “come what may,” those spirits no longer have any power over the lovers of God. Come what may, it is only goodness and mercy that the Bride will see and experience as they remain oily and keep leaning into beholding Him.

2022 – The Year of Pouring Upon

I happened to be reading in Luke, and came across Luke 10:34, part of the story of the good Samaritan. The scripture says, He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him (NKJV).

I felt led to look more into this scripture, and found that the word “pour” is the word epicheō, which is the Strong’s number 2022! Strong’s 2022 in Greek literally means to pour upon.

Many prophetic voices have heard the same thing – 2022 is a year that the Holy Spirit will pour out upon His Church like never before! I also felt the Lord say that 2022 is a year of an outpouring of oil and wine, but also of bandaged wounds in the Church. It will be an oil that will cause the enemy’s schemes to slide off of us, and wine that will bring such a joy! But also, there is a great healing oil coming to the Body from unity in unexpected places.

The Lord began to speak to me about the whole parable of the good Samaritan. The Samaritan in the Biblical context wasn’t just an outcast, he was a despised enemy of the Jew. The least likely to help the Jewish man who had been attacked. I believe that we will see an outpouring in the least likely places, from those who we never would have expected to see the Holy Spirit pour out upon! Celebrities, cessationists, atheists, prodigals and some of the great persecutors of the Spirit-filled Church. And these very people will bring a certain “healing” to the body of Christ as a whole, as the Bride begins to take her place in her purity and identity. It will bring a level of humility to the global church that will also produce a unity that we have never dared to imagine in this place in history.

Unity commands blessing. Psalm 133 refers to unity like oil being poured out: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments.

As wine and oil are poured out upon us in 2022, a great unity will come and bring healing to the Church. This is a blessing that will open us up to more of His Spirit and more goodness being poured out. It may come from the least likely places, but it is the heart of the Father to see a great outpouring of healing, unity and His Spirit upon His children.

Receive the Holy Spirit

John 20:22 – And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit also showed me John 20:22. This is the account of Jesus appearing to the disciples after the resurrection, and giving them the Holy Spirit. I believe the Lord is highlighting 2022 is a year of a greater outpouring of resurrection life, healing and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

While praying over this word, I had a vision of someone standing in a rainstorm of oil and wine falling down, and they have their mouths open wide, enjoying without a care the shower of glorious goodness from God falling upon them. They were healthy, strong and radiant. This is a picture of the Bride in 2022, and we can expect that as we behold Him in His goodness and faithfulness, we will see all spirits of despair and dread disempowered.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8

I am so expectant for 2022. SO BE IT, Amen!

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